Monday, November 27, 2006

Turkey Day!

We had a great Thanksgiving at Nana and Papaw's house. We had it all...turkey, ham, that cheesy broccoli and rice stuff, cranberry sauce out of the can (my favorite! for real!), and of course, Nana's famous dressing. It's not stuffing since it didn't actually go into the turkey. Just thought I'd clear that one up for those of you who don't know. Ha! Anna had a little of everything. She liked the dressing the best I think. Well, the dressing and the endless flow of Diet Coke. As soon as she heard the sound of a can opening, she immediately found out who had it and started saying, "bite?" and "MMM!" Aunt Jenni and Nana gave in every time and gave her several sips of Diet Coke. She also put on an apron of mine that I had when I was young and helped with some cooking. ...sorta. Those pictures are in my brother's camera. Therefore, I probably won't ever see them again. Ha! We also had a mini-dress up session before we left. Anna always brings me a pair of her shoes so I can put them on her. She is SUCH a girl. The ones she usually chooses are these boots her Grammy gave her. She loves them. She also puts anything resembling a necklace over her head and wears it around. On the other hand, she is definitely a tom-boy. She climbs on everything. She'd rather be standing on something that puts her a few feet off the ground than anything else. And if you give her any type of ball, she's happy. She's definitely my daughter! Scary.

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