Yesterday, Anna and I had our first mother-daughter fight in Old Navy. I know, what a place for the first "in public" one! I mean, we've had our moments where we'd like to kill each other, but they have always ended after only a few moments. This time was different and I am SO glad I don't have pictures to share. I'm sure all of you who know me are thinking, "was it really that bad?" Well, just think about that time you were in some store and heard a screaming kid for what seemed like forever and thought something along the lines of, "where is that kid's mother?" or, "why won't that kid just shut up?" (or maybe that's just me thinking that...) This time it was Anna and me; Anna being the screaming child that is. :) She wanted to stand up in the cart and I wouldn't let her. Even with her strapped in, she still twisted around and freed herself. I just kept pulling her out, unclipping the thing, setting her back into the seat, then clipping her back in. She of course, did NOT like any part of that process. She kept hanging on for dear life to the back of the seat so I wouldn't flip her back the right way, bucking back and forth like a psycho, etc. Many of you can picture the scene perfectly. In the end I definately won the battle. I sure wasn't going to let her win! She eventually just gave up the fight, slumped over, and cried a very sad yet still pretty pissed off cry. A nice woman who seemed as though she had had a few kids herself, although was alone, began talking to Anna and got her mind off the situation. She probably could see the look of contentment and victory in my eyes as I stood there while Anna cried and knew there had been a fight. So, eventhough it was one, thus far, of the most humiliating experiences I've had with her, I was proud of myself in the end.