Thursday, October 22, 2009

Edible Gold.

You would have thought this box contained gold or something else very valuable when you see Grey's reaction to it.  I bought some last night and put them next to the pantry on the counter.  Bad idea.  Well, I thought that he wouldn't see them since I scooted them back as far as they would go knowing that he'd try every way he knew how to get to them if he spotted them.  This morning, he turned around while standing next to the pantry and almost ran into the cabinets while reaching for them while yelling, "TEDDYS!!  ...  GET, IT!!!.....peeeze!" (as he rubbed his tummy, signing "please").  Hilarious.  He just got louder and louder as the SECONDS ticked while I opened them.   Sounded like a life or death situation...

1 comment:

Lee said...

When you got to have it you got to have it. That's too cute.