Monday, June 23, 2008

And the Loser of the Year award goes to....

Me.  This morning I heard Grey on the monitor, rolled over, and asked Daddy to feed him and put him back in bed.  This was a pretty rare occurrence, but since I had gotten up several times during the night (and it was the weekend) to try to get Grey back to sleep, I felt like I needed to "hit the snooze button."  He got up and fed him and put him back to bed.  After a little while I got up when Grey woke up again and began the Sunday morning ritual of getting everyone else ready then having about 10 minutes to spare for myself.  Ha!  If I'd only get up earlier...  Whatever.  During my 10 minutes of getting ready, Grey was screaming in his car seat waiting to be topped off with the left over bottle that he had earlier.  I grabbed the bottle that was by the rocking chair and fed him the rest of it...about 4 ounces.  He sucked it down and I went on to finish getting ready.  When I was done (more like out of time), I ran into Grey's room to get some extra things to take with us to church and saw another bottle sitting by the chair in his room.  I thought, "huh, did I leave that there the other day when I fed him in here?"  I usually don't feed him in his room...  I shrugged my shoulders and ran back to get the stuff together.  Later that day I was rinsing our bottles and remembered...  I asked Daddy which bottle he had fed Grey with that morning.  He said that he had fed him in his room and left the bottle in there.  Nice.  Now, I'm the kind of person that leaves bottles laying around the house all day, sometimes for a couple of days, then I go around and pick them all up when I wash them all.  I know, gross.  So WHO KNOWS how old that bottle was that I fed Grey this morning.  Probably no more than a day or so.  He never got sick or anything.  I think I'll try to keep track a little better of those kinds of things.  Or at least just take the old bottles to the sink.  Gosh!


jarcarhar said...

Ahhh, are not alone! I found 6 half-full sippy cups in the garage this week during the cleanout...months old!

Meredith Arledge said...

i've totally done that...multiple times. they lived. :)