Monday, June 02, 2008

Oh, those dreaded questions...

Anna was sitting in her new lawn chair watching Daddy cut down our one and only tree, which is very dead, in our back yard this evening.  She was only in her panties and house shoes because she decided that after getting a few drops of water from the sprinkler on her skin and swimsuit, she was done for the night.  Another dousing of OFF, she was back outside.  As the three of us sat watching Daddy go back and forth between the very dull chain saw and the very dull ax, Anna sat up, grabbed her nipples and said, "Mommy, what are these?"  I looked over at her and thought, "Really?  Is it that time already for those types of questions?"  Obviously, she IS going on 3 years of age and should be asking many more of these questions very soon.  I just laughed at her for a minute as I stalled to think of a good answer.  Should I make up something "cute" to tell her so she may understand better?  No...I quickly decided.  I then thought that it was getting a little awkward since I had been chuckling a her for a little too long.  I just decided to tell her.  "They are nipples."  Why go into it more than I have to at this point?  She probably won't ask what they are for, right?  She replied, "Nipples?"  I said, "Yep."  She looked down at them one more time and got up and started digging in her sandbox.  Phew!  That was a close one.  I should prepare myself better for the future.

1 comment:

Erica said...

CUTE!! Glad she didn't further interrogate you!