Monday, November 03, 2008


I usually like this time of year...  Leaves changing, days getting cooler, nights getting colder...  But this time change is a load of poo!  The last two days have been the longest days of my life!  Daylight Savings Time??  Today just won't end.  I keep looking at the clock thinking my husband would be home soon.  Once  I thought that I should start getting dinner going and looked up and it was 2:30pm.  Anna woke up at 7:10 this morning, much earlier than the norm because "it's light outside" (as she pulls the sheers back from the windows in our bedroom), "it's morning!."  And Grey not far behind her.  Sorry I acted like it would be no big deal at church Carla.  I think it has become a huge deal with both me and the kids.  Sheesh!

1 comment:

jarcarhar said...

OH NO! Hang some black-out curtains in her room!