Monday, November 17, 2008

Wanted: NFOD

Or a "new form of discipline." We have several forms of discipline in this house.  The ultimate discipline is spankings.  If nothing else works, then that's what she gets.  Anna has decided lately that she's REALLY push our buttons and see how far we'd really go.  She has been in trouble for the majority of the evenings of the last couple of weeks.  We seem to always get to the ultimate discipline every time.  But then a funny thing happened.  She started acting like getting spanked was no big deal.  Over and over she'd misbehave, talk to me in like a 16 year old who hates her parents, etc.  I'd do all those things that lead up to spanking her and nothing would phase her...and now this.  I told her the other night that if she did that again (whatever it was...) then she'd get a spanking.  She did it, I reminded her that that was about to happen, she stood there, looked at me and said, "It's ok 'cause I not gonna cry when you spank me..."  I spanked her anyway, looked at her and it was like looking at a crazy serial killer with no emotion or remorse.  She took it and walked away.  Nothing.


Dr. Dave Thomas said...

One time when Micah was 2, I put him in the corner for misbehaving. He had to stand there and face the corner for a minute or two. He was so thoroughly traumatized, I thought I'd have to send him to therapy. Whatever the offense was, he didn't do it again. I have yet to use this one with Hannah. I am saving it for something REALLY bad. Miss y'all! -Deb

Erica said...

HA! That's exactly why we quit spanking about 4 months ago. She'd look at me and say, "That didn't hurt," etc. She was out-right cold about it. Kinda scared me. We've started the star chart, and it has aleviated some of the antics around here....

Duaine said...

Payback time..... :)

Meredith Arledge said...

I "tagged" you on my blog. Now you have to list 7 random things about yourself on your blog!