Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Couture of Laundry Soap.

A funny thing happened the other day.  My mom, who spoils me beyond anyone's imagination, heard me say something about how I needed some laundry detergent.  This conversation was around the time that I had two puking children, so the laundry room was working overtime.  She said that she needed to go to Sam's for some things and after a while came back with a bottle that I hadn't seen in my house, well, ever!  I was in awe of the fact that my mom bought me a Sam's sized jug of Tide..not that she wouldn't ever do such a thing, because she does things like this all the time, but because she bought TIDE! ...the couture of laundry detergents.  I was trying to remember the last time I bought Tide, and I don't think I ever have...ever.  Only because it's so expensive, and because I'm so cheap.  She laughed at me.  I covet that Tide.  I use it sparingly so I can maybe make it last longer.  Then when it's gone, we'll go back to having average smelling, but still clean laundry. 


Lee said...

I used to buy tide, until I had to do laundry for 5 people. Now I buy something cheaper.

nanacathy said...

Now I know what to get you for your birthday...ha...I didn't realize it was such a luxury!

Kelly Goulding said...

HA! I am a tide lover too..With 5 people though I buy the Sam's version of Tide!It works great! I still buy my Snuggle though!