Anna: Mommy, you totally forgot something for Christmas.
Me: What did we forget?
Anna: I nebber got my Peter Pan movie or my binoculars!
Me: Didn't you ask for those after Christmas had already passed?
Anna: No, just the Peter Pan movie after Christmas...but I still need my binoculars.
Me: Why do you need binoculars?
Anna: I need them to look far far away to Nana's house to see what she's doing. And then I can lay down under a tree and look at birds with them.
Me: Then what?
Anna: Then I can watch my Peter Pan movie with my binoculars!
Me: Then what?
Anna: Then we can have a party just for me! And I can get presents! Mom, my birthday is coming UP and I need to have some cake and a fairy party for me!
Me: Well, your birthday is very far away and Christmas is even further.
Anna: oh.