Sunday, January 25, 2009

Look out world...

We don't usually go anywhere. Or at least it doesn't seem like it. But I think from now until almost summer, we will have very few weekends that we will either be traveling or at a wedding. J was gone for a work trip a week ago, I left for my workshop on Monday, J left again on Thursday (before I got home from Louisiana) for a conference, I have an out of town thing I have to go to February 6th (I hope), I'm sure J has something else he has to travel for before March 6th, that weekend I have an out of town photo shoot, April 4th we have a wedding out of town, then May 2nd another wedding...but thankfully it's here. Tonight I found out that J has a meeting (out of town) the weekend of May 2nd (a wedding that Anna is in). He suggested that he take Anna with him and come back the next day to be there for the rehearsal. Yikes! We're busy!

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